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Reporting Module (English)

The Reporting Module of Webim offers broad functionality for advanced processing of usage stats and agent workload which is useful for analysis and optimization.


Filters let you select the scope of the source data.


Table/Report «Statistics by Category»

Category The name of a category (for instance, "Computer hardware") or text "Without category," and at the bottom of this list: "Total." You can create and edit categories in Settings.
Requests How often your visitors chatted with agents who later added this chat to a given category for the selected time slot, independent of chat results.
% of all requests How often your visitors chatted with agents who later added this chat to a given category for the selected time slot, percentage of a total number of chat requests.

Table/Report «Statistics by Department»

Below you will find the precise descriptions of the fields:

Department The name of a department (for example, "Technical support") or the text: "Without department."
Requests How often your visitors wanted to chat with agents from the selected department aggregated with the total number of chats forwarded to this department, independent of chat results.
Completed chats How many chats are completed by this department, i. e. closed by a visitor and by an agent from this department.

Table/Report «Usage Statistics by Date»


Date The date when a chat was started. Data in this row is presented according to this date. Date format depends on the language of admin interface (see Settings). For example, if you choose English, the format is MM/DD/YYYY. If you choose Russian, the format is DD.MM.YYYY.
Requests How often your visitors wanted to chat with agents, during the specified day, independent of chat results.
First time requests How many requests came from new visitors (those with a new visitor ID). You can see this ID on the right side of the page Workspace). Webim stores IDs in its database and is able to distinguish new and old visitors using cookies.
Messages from agents How many messages are sent by all agents during a day.
Messages from visitors How many messages are sent by all visitors during a day.
Average waiting time If the option Automatic chat distribution is on: average waiting time in a general queue.

If the option Automatic chat distribution is off (by default): average waiting time for all agents, from the moment a visitor sent a request until the moment an agent joined this chat. Both successful chats and missed requests are counted (in the latter case, until the moment a request was closed on timeout).

Average waiting time in an agent's queue If the option Automatic chat distribution is on: average time a visitor waits for the answer in a personal agent's queue. This data does not count waiting time in a general queue (it is available as Average waiting time).

If the option Automatic chat distribution is off (by default): value is not defined.

Average waiting time for lost visitors Average waiting time for chats missed by all agents, from the moment a visitor sent a request until the moment the chat was closed.
Average time for all operators to wait for a response for dialogs. The time from the moment a visitor's request is received until the operator receives a response to it.
Chats How many chats (requests actively answered by agents) between visitors and agents took place during a specified day.
The answer was given in 20 s. In how many dialogs for the current date the operator gave a response to the visitor no later than 20 seconds from the moment the request was received.
Answer in 10 s. Percentage of all requests for the current date are requests in which the operator answered the visitor no later than 10 seconds from the moment the request was received.
Answer in 20 s. Percentage of all requests for the current date are requests in which the operator answered the visitor no later than 20 seconds from the moment the request was received.
Answer in 30 s. Percentage of all requests for the current date are requests in which the operator answered the visitor no later than 30 seconds from the moment the request was received.
Answer in 40 s. Percentage of all requests for the current date are requests in which the operator answered the visitor no later than 40 seconds from the moment the request was received.
Missed How many requests from visitors were left unanswered despite at least one agent being available online.
Bounce rating How many requests were cancelled by visitors before the Cancellation Time Limit.
Rejected invitation How many invitations were issued by agents and rejected/ignored by visitors.
Peak number of operators The maximum number of operators in the "Online" status who are working with online requests.


Date The date when an offline request was issued. Data in this row is presented according to this date. Date format depends on the language of admin interface (see Settings). For example, if you choose English, the format is MM/DD/YYYY. If you choose Russian, the format is DD.MM.YYYY.
Offline requests put into a general queue How many offline requests were put into a general queue. Any offline request is first put into a general queue and then assigned to a particular agent.
Offline requests assigned to agents If the option Automatic chat distribution is on: how many offline requests were received from a general queue and successfully assigned to a particular agent.

If the option Automatic chat distribution is off (by default): value is not defined.

Closed offline How many offline requests were processed by all agents on the specified day.

When a reply to a visitor is not necessary, an agent can click the Close button with a red cross in the chat window and no reply will be sent. A request will be considered processed (closed) anyway.

Requests can be closed by the date other than the date of issue. This column shows the chat status by the end of the specified day.

Messages from agents How many messages were sent by all agents in response to offline requests.
Average waiting time for a general queue Average time an offline request spent in a general queue (waiting time in a personal agent's queue is not counted). This parameter is valuable whether the Automatic chat distribution option is on or off.
Average waiting time in an agent's queue If the option Automatic chat distribution is on: average time an offline request spent in a personal agent's queue (waiting time in a general queue is not counted).

If the option Automatic chat distribution is off (by default): value is not defined.

Average time for receiving a reply to an offline request Average time from the moment a visitor sent an offline request until the moment an agent answered, whether the Automatic chat distribution option is on or off.
Peak number of operators The maximum number of operators in the "Online" status who are working with online requests.

Table/Report «Hourly Usage Statistics»


Time period A time slot in the format hh-HH where hh is an opening hour, HH is a closing hour.
Requests How often your visitors wanted to chat with agents, during a specified time slot, independent of chat results.
First time requests How many requests came from new visitors (those with a new visitor ID). You can see this ID on the right side of the page Workspace). Webim stores IDs in its database and is able to distinguish new and old visitors by using cookies.
Messages from agents How many messages are sent by all agents during a specified time slot.
Messages from visitors How many messages are sent by all visitors during a specified time slot.
Average waiting time If the option Automatic chat distribution is on: average waiting time in a general queue.

If the option Automatic chat distribution is off (by default): average waiting time for all agents, from the moment a visitor sent a request until the moment an agent joined this chat. Both successful chats and missed requests are counted (in the latter case, until the moment a request was closed on timeout).

Average waiting time in an agent's queue Time from the moment of putting a request into a queue until the moment of an answer by an agent.

If the option Automatic chat distribution is on: average time a visitor waits for the answer in a personal agent's queue. This data does not count waiting time in a general queue (it is available as Average waiting time). In order to count a chat in stats for a particular time slot, a period of waiting in a personal agent's queue must start in this time slot.

If the option Automatic chat distribution is off (by default): just common waiting time.

Average waiting time for lost visitors Average time from the moment a visitor sent a request until the moment he/she left without answer, whether the Automatic chat distribution option is on or off. Chat is considered "missed" when a visitor closed his/her chat window and/or web page before he/she received an answer from agents, and this waiting period exceeded the Cancellation Time Limit (see Settings).
Average time for all operators to wait for a response for dialogs. The time from the moment a visitor's request is received until the operator receives a response to it.
Chats How many chats (requests actively answered by agents) between visitors and agents took place during a specified time period.
Answer in 10 s. Percentage of all requests for the current date are requests in which the operator answered the visitor no later than 10 seconds from the moment the request was received.
Answer in 20 s. Percentage of all requests for the current date are requests in which the operator answered the visitor no later than 20 seconds from the moment the request was received.
Answer in 30 s. Percentage of all requests for the current date are requests in which the operator answered the visitor no later than 30 seconds from the moment the request was received.
Answer in 40 s. Percentage of all requests for the current date are requests in which the operator answered the visitor no later than 40 seconds from the moment the request was received.
Missed How many requests from visitors were left unanswered despite at least one agent being available online.
Bounce rating How many requests were cancelled by visitors before the Cancellation Time Limit.
Rejected invitation How many invitations were issued by agents and rejected/ignored by visitors.
Peak number of operators The maximum number of operators in the "Online" status who are working with online requests.


Time preiod A time slot in the format hh-HH where hh is an opening hour, HH is a closing hour.
Offline requests put into a general queue How many offline requests were put into a general queue, during a time period. Any offline request is first put into a general queue, and then assigned to a particular agent.
Offline requests assigned to agents If the option Automatic chat distribution is on: how many offline requests were received from a general queue and successfully assigned to a particular agent, during a time period.

If the option Automatic chat distribution is off (by default): value is not defined.

Closed offline How many total offline requests were processed by all agents during a specified time period. Single message is enough to answer and close an offline request. An agent can also click the Close button with a red cross in the chat window.
Messages from agents How many messages were sent by all agents in response to offline requests during a time period.
Average waiting time for a general queue Average time an offline request spent in a general queue (waiting time in a personal agent's queue is not counted). In order to count a request in stats for a particular time slot, a period of waiting in a general queue must start in this time slot. This parameter is valuable whether the Automatic chat distribution option is on or off.
Average waiting time in an agent's queue If the option Automatic chat distribution is on: average time an offline request spent in a personal agent's queue (waiting time in a general queue is not counted). In order to count a request in stats for a particular time slot, a period of waiting in an agent's personal queue must start in this time slot. If the option Automatic chat distribution is off (by default): just common waiting time.
Average time for receiving a reply to an offline request Average time from the moment a visitor sent an offline request until the moment an agent answered, whether the Automatic chat distribution option is on or off. In order to count a request in stats for a particular time period, this request must be registered during this time slot.
Peak number of operators The maximum number of operators in the "Online" status who are working with online requests.

Table/Report «Statistics by agent»

Agent The name of an agent.
Requests processed How many chats (requests actively answered by agents) between visitors and this agent took place during a specified day within a selected period.
The answer was given in 20 s. In how many dialogs for the current date the operator gave a response to the visitor no later than 20 seconds from the moment the request was received.
Offline requests assigned to agents If the option Automatic chat distribution is on: how many offline requests were received from a general queue and successfully assigned to a particular agent.

If the option Automatic chat distribution is off (by default): value is not defined.

Closed offline How many offline requests were processed (closed) by this agent, not necessary on the first day, but during a specified time period. Offline request may be closed even without answering. This parameter is valuable whether the Automatic chat distribution option is on or off. See technical documentation for the Statistics module to learn about how Webim considers a chat as closed.
Messages How many messages were sent by this agent during a specified day of the selected period. Answers in online chats and offline requests are all counted.
Average messages length (in chars) Average number of characters in messages from this agent on a specified day of the selected period.
Average agent rating Average value of ratings from all visitors for this agent on a specified day of the selected period (population mean). The number of those ratings is shown in brackets, as well as the detailed view for all ratings. Visitors rate agents from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).

For example:

4,50 (Total ratings: 4) (4=>2, 5=>2)

Average waiting time in an agent's queue Time from the moment of putting a request into a queue until an agent answers.

If the option Automatic chat distribution is on: time spent exclusively in a personal agent's queue (waiting time in a general queue is not counted).

If the option Automatic chat distribution is off (by default): just common waiting time.

Number of invited visitors How many unique visitors responded to chat invitations of this agent on a specified day.
Rejected invitation How many invitations were rejected/ignored by visitors.
Transferred from department Use this parameter together with a department filter (see tech docs about filtering).
In a filter, select the department you need. This field will then display the number of chats that were initially assigned to the selected department and later were transferred to another department, another agent, or language, on a specified day of the selected period.

NB: A chat is considered assigned to a department only if a visitor has explicitly selected this department while starting the chat, or an agent has transferred it to this department, or a visitor has clicked a chat button attached to this department. However, if a chat is assigned to an agent, it does not make this chat assigned to a department, even if this agent belongs to this department.

Number of transfers to the department Use this parameter together with a department filter (see tech docs about filtering).
In a filter, select the department you need. This field will then display the number of chats that were assigned to the selected department on a specified day in the selected period.

NB: A chat is considered assigned to a department only if a visitor has explicitly selected this department while starting the chat, or an agent has transferred it to this department, or a visitor has clicked a chat button attached to this department. However, if a chat is assigned to an agent, it does not make this chat assigned to a department, even if this agent belongs to this department.

Number of agent busy messages How often visitors were notified about temporary unavailability of this agent, on a specified day. This notification is issued when Agent Response Timeout is exceeded. This timeout is specified in Settings.

Table/Report «Total statistics by agent»

Agent The name of an agent.
Requests processed How many chats (requests actively answered by agents) between visitors and this agent took place during a selected period.
The answer was given in 20 s. In how many dialogs for the current date the operator gave a response to the visitor no later than 20 seconds from the moment the request was received.
Offline requests assigned to agents If the option Automatic chat distribution is on: how many offline requests were received from a general queue and successfully assigned to a particular agent.

If the option Automatic chat distribution is off (by default): value is not defined.

Closed offline How many offline requests were processed (closed) by this agent, not necessary on the first day, but during a specified time period. Offline request may be closed without answering. This parameter is valuable whether the Automatic chat distribution option is on or off. See technical documentation for the Statistics module to learn about how Webim considers a chat as closed.
Messages How many messages were sent by this agent during a specified period of time. Answers in online chats and offline requests are all counted.
Average messages length (in chars) Average number of characters in messages from this agent in the selected period of time.
Average agent rating Average value of ratings from all visitors for this agent during the selected period (population mean). The number of those ratings is shown in brackets, as well as the detailed view for all ratings.
Visitors rate agents from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).For example:

4,50 (Total rates: 4) (4=>2, 5=>2)

Average waiting time in an agent's queue Time from the moment of putting a request into a queue until the moment an agent answers.

If the option Automatic chat distribution is on: time spent in a personal agent's queue exclusively (waiting time in a general queue is not counted).

If the option Automatic chat distribution is off (by default): just common waiting time.

Number of invited visitors How many unique visitors responded to chat invitations from this agent during the selected period of time.
Rejected invitation How many invitations were rejected/ignored by visitors.
Transferred from department Use this parameter together with a department filter (see tech docs about filtering).
In a filter, select the department you need. This field will then display the number of chats that were initially assigned to the selected department and later were transferred to another department, another agent, or language.

NB: A chat is considered assigned to a department only if a visitor has explicitly selected this department while starting the chat, or an agent has transferred it to this department, or a visitor has clicked a chat button attached to this department. However, if a chat is assigned to an agent, it does not make this chat assigned to a department, even if this agent belongs to this department.

Number of transfers to the department Use this parameter together with a department filter (see tech docs about filtering).
In a filter, select the department you need. This field will then display the number of chats that were assigned to the selected department.

NB: A chat is considered assigned to a department only if a visitor has explicitly selected this department while starting the chat, or an agent has transferred it to this department, or a visitor has clicked a chat button attached to this department. However, if a chat is assigned to an agent, it does not make this chat assigned to a department, even if this agent belongs to this department.

Number of agent busy messages How often visitors were notified about temporary unavailability of this agent on a specified day. This notification is issued when Agent Response Timeout is exceeded. This timeout is specified in Settings.

Table/Report «Statistics by lost visitor»

Agent The name of an agent.
Missed How many requests from visitors were left unanswered during the selected period of time. Please consult online help for more information on what is considered as a missed request.
Average waiting time Average time spent by visitors considered as missed.

Table/Report «Stats by agents time»

Agent The name of an agent.
Online time Total time spent by this agent in the onine status, during the selected period.
Time spent in dialogs Summarized time spent by this agent in all chats, during the selected period (if he/she had some simultaneous chats, duration of all those chats is summarized here).
Summary time spent in dialogs Summarized time spent by this agent in all chats, during the selected period (if he/she had some simultaneous chats, duration of all those chats is summarized here).
Time with one chat The time the agent spent interacting with visitors while they had one active conversation at a time.
Time with two chats The time the agent spent interacting with visitors while they had two active conversations at a time.
Time with three and more chats The time the agent spent interacting with visitors while having three or more active conversations at the same time.
Average time spent in one dialog Average time spent by this agent in a chat with a visitor, during the selected period, in the format mm:ss.
Before Lunch Total time when this agent had status "Before Lunch".
Lunch Total time when this agent had status "Lunch".
Coaching Break Total time when this agent had status "Coaching Break".
Technical Break Total time when this agent had status "Technical Break".
Meeting Break Total time when this agent had status "Meeting Break".
Short Break Total time when this agent had status "Short Break".
Break Total time when this agent had status "Private Break".
Invisible Total time when this agent had status "Invisible".
Offline Processing Total time when this agent had status "Offline Processing".

Table/Report «Statistics by region»

Country Country (state) where visitor(s) is/are located (for example, "France"). "Without geo information" stands for visitors for which a country was not detected.
Region Geographic region where visitor(s) is/are located (for example, "Paris").
Requests Total number of requests sent from this region, during the selected period.
Percent Percentage of a total number of all requests.